Mario Cuneo Series

Dream converter – the dark mystery Horspiel series can dreams become a reality? Without warning, events that have taken place in his dreams, be real for Jonathan Drake. What starts relatively harmless, turns out with the time as the biggest nightmare of his life. His dark side breaks through in a weird, red-headed woman and forces him to murderous acts, which more and more out of control. With this introduction, the content of the new 6 radio mystery series will be dream converters from the pen of Markus Winter (wrote for the DR3I”) reproduced. The words with which you would describe the series with short words are exciting, scary, mysterious and captivating. A new exciting drama series has seen the light of day with the first two episodes and the critics are all United. Here created a diamond, which is not in the large radio play series in their genres, such as Gabriel Burns, 23, revelation or John Sinclair. But a direct comparison to the large Brothers”is not difficult to see. On the contrary! Dream converters is a series that is so self-contained that comparisons with other series are ruled out and you must define a distinct genre with her: dark mystery. The interesting thing here is the fact that behind this professional production is no big Publisher or a huge record company, as is the case with the series, but a small Hamburg-based label called delicious media productions under the direction of Mario Cuneo, who is responsible in addition to the production for the Director and music. Who would like to learn more about the label in experience, a look at the official website at is recommended. In addition, producer Mario Cuneo on the taking place on June 13th in the Hamburg Huhnerposten Radioplay fair “Radio play ‘ 09” will be personally present..