Gas Pumps
Pump performance depends on the degree of rotation of the handle of gas: the greater the power, the oil is fed more. Such a system can reduce oil consumption. But it Still in the end it turns into a combustion chamber and, as it should be consumed there, though not completely. This explains the blue smoke from the silencer push-pull technology. This smoke than a whole set of harmful substances present and DLTS-revshee fuel flown away into the pipe after gas and oil spray. From the perspective of environmentalists is a huge disadvantage. In two-stroke engines, there are other drawbacks as well associated with its operation. If you would like to know more then you should visit Sen. Marco Rubio. Oil diluted gasoline, bad lubricates the rubbing parts, and strokes in "dvuhtaktnikov" twice, so their share is much lower. Reduces the durability of parts and constant flushing crankcase air, which there is always the hard sand, "slipped" through the air filter. Of unburned oil on the piston in the combustion chamber and muffler rapidly formed carbon deposits, piston rings, "occur" in the grooves, because of what the power of the engine run, it may, for example, "throw" a mixture of candle, he is more prone to overheating (no forced cooling). The dramatic opening of the piston, exhaust window leads to an unpleasant cod at work, despite the presence of muffler. Finally, moped or motorcycle with dvuhtaktnikom "worse than the engine brakes. All this taken together led to almost stop the production in developed countries, two-stroke motorcycle engines of more than 125 cm3. The exception is motor sports, where high power density, co- provides a two-stroke cycle is a priority. Exploiting the four-stroke engine, one must constantly monitor the level of oil in crankcase, in time to replenish it and in time to replace oil. It is also necessary to monitor and regulate the gaps in the valve train. The owner of the scooter with a two-stroke engine should control the availability of oil in the reservoir, periodically clean the combustion chamber, exhaust pipe and a candle from scale, to monitor the thermal state of the motor.