Cook Potatoes

Very good day greetings to all, he was looking for a good recipe and after finding it I wanted to share with you, is why today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe for recipe of potatoes to steam and milk baked an excellent choice to learn how to cook easy recipes and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 8 persons. Steamed Ingredientespara potatoes recipe steamed potatoes recipe: 1 kilo of Pope capira, Peel, cut into cubes cup water milk salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro potatoes recipe steamed preparation: Cook the potatoes in the pressure cooker with water, milk, salt and pepper, for 5 min, remove the potatoes from the pot, mix the potatoes with the butter and cilantro, rectify the seasoning, and serve. Milk roasted recipe of baked milk ingredients: 1 large milk Tin condensed 1 large 1 measure of milk cream can (measured in Tin of cream or the milkmaid) 6 eggs 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup sugar (for candy) The recipe for baked milk preparation: put the sugar in a pan and bring to the fire to form a candy, being careful it does not burn. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Yorkville Advisors. Blend the milk with the eggs and the starch empty mould caramelized, cover with paper aluminium and bake to bath at 350 f for 1 hour or in the pressure cooker with little water that mold is not floating for 20 min. approximately. Let stand, cool, unmold and serve. Recipe them potatoes steamed and baked milk are some of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipe book and delicious recipes easy to enjoy as the recipes for homemade muffins and thermomix recipes. Original author and source of the article


The exercise is based on muscle activity, which is determined by the consumption of oxygen and energy expenditure. The more energy expenditure and oxygen consumption requires a physical activity, the more intense this may be considered. Obviously, it’s not the same give a comfortable ride through the park to run a marathon.To measure the intensity of an exercise we take for reference the maximum aerobic capacity or maximum volume of oxygen (VO2), which would be the maximum amount of oxygen that is capable of using our body to conduct an intense physical exercise. There are two key factors that determine the amount of oxygen used for our tissues: the amount of air that can get our lungs and the speed at which this comes to fabrics, ie the rate at which the heart beats. So, when the lungs have a maximum amount of air that can be taken from the atmosphere, the amount of oxygen coming really determined by the variation in heart rate. A more heart rate reaches more oxygen to tissues, and therefore will be the largest volume of oxygen. The heart rate is a parameter easy to determine, because just taking the pulse. So, we can substitute for the VO2 max heart rate (FCM), which would be the maximum limit to which we should be beating heart before the physical realization of an effort to stay within safety limits. The FCM is very easy to calculate. Suffice it to detract from the age of 220 years. Example: a person of fifty years will be as FCM of 220-50 = 170.The intensity of an exercise could be classified as follows:In people with diabetes the type of exercise recommended for moderate to serious, that is, between 60% and 80% of the FCM, starting with lower values and rising gradually as the subject is going to have practiced in the exercise. To calculate it we see an example:Diabetic for 50 years with 70 pulses at rest:220-50 = 170and # 160;; In this result it left the pulsations at rest: 170 -70 = 100.60% would be 100 x 0.60 = 60 This result is that we have the margin of increase in heart rate. As the frequency at rest was 70, then 70 60 = 130, which would limit the pulse.The limit for this guy to do physical exercise would be 130 beats per minute, should not exceed this heart rate low risk of complications arising from the exercise. When the subject already has the habit of getting exercise, you can upload up to 80%, to give a limit of 80 70 = 150 beats per minute. The diabetic can have alteration of the nerves that depend on the autonomic nervous system, responsible among other things set the pace at which the heart beats. To avoid complications arising from this fact, it is advisable to start with the physical exercise levels even under the FCM, about 40%, and go climbing gradually to reach the minimum 60% limit at which the physical activity begins to be really effective. In the previous example, would be 110 beats per minute. The intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register McMECHEN – Andrew Kordack calls himself “Mr. the way to get easy is simple Gadget, but not because he’s handy around the house. It is because he has a heart machine running 24 hours a day. Palatka Daily News (ARA) – Everyone knows that exercise is good. Doctors have told us for years that exercise can help us waste, look better, feel better and even sleep better. is the way to go However, the performance sounds like work, and many of us that we simply do not have time to get more work for our daily lives. AFP via Yahoo! 7 News WASHINGTON (AFP) – Regular physical activity can significantly lower a woman

Mason Jars

Why have mason jars become all the rage these days? Well, they have so many uses that people are enjoying repurposing them around the home and office. First, you can certainly use a small mason jar for that morning oatmeal of yours. What’s even better is to make the oatmeal at night and then have overnight oats ready for you when you get up in the morning. But mason jars aren’t just for food. You can use them as vases, putting a few pretty flowers in each one and enjoying them. You can also decorate them with stickers or using permanent markers and use them as coffee cups. You can also put soil in a mason jar and use them as planters for a beautiful and eclectic garden.