On this occasion will write a little about certain details that anyone who wants to make money online you must know before joining any MLM online business. If you have been reading my articles, is dara has that within the analysis do some online business opportunities as almost always I stress the fact that they tell her that le daran for the cost of your membership a website to promote your business online and with this website you can generate lots of money. They do not say is that the web site will you design is exactly like hundreds of sites, all they do is change the links so that your prospects subscribe in your organization. Also the domain of your page will be a long sausage that bears the name of the company and end his name or its number of partner or something so, actually the site does not have a domain (or domain) itself, which is the own address of any web page. This is in fact a problem that they don’t will tell because not interested say it: having a site equal to hundreds or thousands, any search engine is going to be able to locate your site, because not optimized for search engines and because any search engine going to do case to a site that is identical to another. So if you want to promote your business then you will need to be through spam, Classifieds free or you pay money to create an advertising campaign such as adwords or yahoo publisher services to generate you traffic, and creame, are investing money in the business of them not in yours. If you really want to make money online, because does not create its own site and learn what is necessary to generate your own traffic and be able to monetize your site? no longer generandole wealth to someone more and begin to work in your own business now.