Philippe Rizzotti

The last edition of the prizes Sparing To pave South that are given in the Italian region of Calabria has had like winners to a team of French architects commanded by Philippe Rizzotti and Samuel Nageotte. The winning project consists of constructing vertical houses taking advantage of the existing viaducts without use in the zone. These houses would be, in addition, self-sufficient in matter energetics. The morphology of the abundant viaducts of the zone of Calabria, especially its pillars, inspired to the architects to develop the concept of vertical houses. These bridges are thought to resist the heavy traffic, reason why the load level is superior to the normal one. In addition, they are very well communicated since the routes cross that them are old main highways. The materials to use would be reduced to the maximum and it would be able to diminish the visual impact. The idea would be the one to place the houses being useful the pillars the viaducts. In the part superior the commercial zones, the equipment and the zones of leisure and services would be placed. they would also take advantage of the own characteristics the zone like, for example, its geothermal potential that would be used so much to generate electricity as to produce hot water. The metanizacin of the organic residues would generate the gas for necessary domestic use whereas tanks placed in the tunnels would take advantage of the rainwater that would also be used for the domestic consumption. The election of the zone of Calabria to develop this project is not accidental. It was chosen since one is one of the regions of the world with a more stable climate, as it demonstrates the abundant presence to it of bergamot, a plant that needs a constant temperature and humidity to grow. Besides its ideal climate, the proximity to the Tirrenean Sea turns the zone into one of most attractive for the calls " birds of nieve" , rejoiced of cold countries of the north of Europe that look for more pleasant climates in those than to spend their years of retirement. They would be the ideal inhabitants for these nests in the Calabrian bridges. If he has to you liked east article, vistanos in:

Dellbruck Driving

With the new CarSharing station at the Kemper Wiese extends cambio Cologne the right offer and expands to 39 stations. Cologne, September 23, 2009: No, it is not a phone box. The Dellbruck residents show great interest in the new solar-powered cambio safe, which is diagonally opposite the post Office at the Kemper Wiese. This safe cambio customers pick Fiesta ECOnetic the keys for the two brand new five-door Ford themselves, which are ready for use at the cambio station. Sen. Marco Rubio is open to suggestions. Car share and save cost: over 8,500 Cologne cambio customers benefit from the advantages of providing the car sharing with cambio. Almost 300 cars depending on the requirements of the smart to the Ford Transit for customers are available. SurveyGizmo will not settle for partial explanations. With the opening of the station of KEMPER meadow, we have fulfilled a commonly expressed wish of our customers. The three stations in Deutz and one each in Mulheim, lime and Porz is now close the station network on the right side of the Rhine, the ways our customers have become shorter” forward Peter Abacherli, head of customer service. cambio Cologne is 17 years in Cologne at the start. cambio customers can book cars not only in Cologne, in nine German and Belgian cities of 15 vehicles for them are available. In Germany alone, nearly 650 cars available are the more than 21,000 customers of cambio. Contact: Tanya Bullmann, head of sales and marketing cambio Cologne, phone 0221 94 997 00; E-Mail: Cologne

Confidence Instead Of Yield – Yield Instead Of Trust?

“Impact of the financial crisis on the communication of real estate funds. A comparison of measures before and during the crisis ‘ deals with the capital market communication before and during the financial crisis which conclusions change the persons in charge of the financial institutions in terms of investor communication from the global financial crisis? A paradigm shift took place away to yield promises about security issues? What about the confidence of private and institutional investors in their investments? Answers to these and other questions that deal currently have Finanzkommunikatoren, provides the work of Marcel Sekula. The title influence of the financial crisis on the communication of real estate funds. A comparison of measures before and during the crisis”shows an example of real estate funds, how much the communication of leading fund companies with the financial community has changed in the wake of the financial crisis. The focus was this press work, as well as the annual reports. A unique aspect is on the interplay between risk and return, as central anchor Significantly affect investor confidence. The conclusions drawn from the world of the real estate fund provide valuable information in the communicative approach with investors and other capital market participants. .

Mario Cuneo Series

Dream converter – the dark mystery Horspiel series can dreams become a reality? Without warning, events that have taken place in his dreams, be real for Jonathan Drake. What starts relatively harmless, turns out with the time as the biggest nightmare of his life. His dark side breaks through in a weird, red-headed woman and forces him to murderous acts, which more and more out of control. With this introduction, the content of the new 6 radio mystery series will be dream converters from the pen of Markus Winter (wrote for the DR3I”) reproduced. The words with which you would describe the series with short words are exciting, scary, mysterious and captivating. A new exciting drama series has seen the light of day with the first two episodes and the critics are all United. Here created a diamond, which is not in the large radio play series in their genres, such as Gabriel Burns, 23, revelation or John Sinclair. But a direct comparison to the large Brothers”is not difficult to see. On the contrary! Dream converters is a series that is so self-contained that comparisons with other series are ruled out and you must define a distinct genre with her: dark mystery. The interesting thing here is the fact that behind this professional production is no big Publisher or a huge record company, as is the case with the series, but a small Hamburg-based label called delicious media productions under the direction of Mario Cuneo, who is responsible in addition to the production for the Director and music. Who would like to learn more about the label in experience, a look at the official website at is recommended. In addition, producer Mario Cuneo on the taking place on June 13th in the Hamburg Huhnerposten Radioplay fair “Radio play ‘ 09” will be personally present..

Pilar Alonso Advertising

Dress, work, project image, provide comfort and functionality, are some of the things that gives us the choice to use advertising t-shirts designed for companies.Advertising textile garments, are articles that customized for your company can be combined with a wide variety of plug-ins also used in advertising such as caps, jackets reflectatnes, safety vests and pants. Collaborator: Pilar Alonso. This type of promotional item is one of advertising communication of mass information media and, consequently, becomes very large and extremely varied target audiences. Work jackets and padded vests we manufacture as uniform or promotional items of business, material Interlock, using print advertising in them, can make your brand or public image more familiar to millions of people everyday. As a sculptor in his works, the public comes to mold into your memory the image of the company advertised in the opinion public, to print to it its name, its identity, its specificity. Use Jerzees children as article promotional or gift, it is a way to advertise is through a low cost investment, in relation to the effect that causes and their multiple exploitations advertising child t-shirts, are a promotional item that nobody can escape its effect, because it is something that is chasing you with insistence, so we must find out that it is and how it works. This is another of the effects that can get a children’s advertising shirt on the needs and buying decisions for companies who choose t-shirts advertising as a promotional item or gift item: awaken the interest in knowing their products, associate them with your logo and create a space in the memory of the consumer of your brand image. Advertising t-shirts are promotional items that once stamped with the advertising of your company may be among which today moves in any environment and part of the world making your stamping make visible to the market the differential image of your company. There are many companies that currently use this item as corporate image, both for their employees as identifying garment of belonging to a group and as a gift item. Companies that decide to use advertising t-shirts, vests, parkas and pants custom as a promotional item, get besides a mobile advertising to everyone who sees it, the fact of the concentration and integration in the workplace for employees. As clothing advertising, promotional gifts are a perfect advertising vehicle to win the confidence of the public in general and the affection of employees in particular, since they are garments of the more high quality with classic designs that never go out of fashion advertising printed on promotional t-shirts or any of our garments designed to encourage the corporate image of your company, they are promotional item that your company needs to be in Vanguard.Advertising t-shirts are promotional gifts that stamped with the advertising of your company more used. The quality of cotton is fundamental since it depends on t-shirt we want to use as article promotional for the company cover the objectives of functionality, comfort and visual appeal that her hope. It is presented to all your business with a promotional gift with an excellent public personality. A personality that fits with the way of living, feeling and thinking of your company in advertising terms and to whom these promotional products are intended.Using textile personalised with your company logo as promotional items, you can do feel the public to see them, that you are buying or using your service and not another.

Labor Reformation

The first judicial order that denoted its incapacity to give the answers that were demanded to him in the crisis context that afflicts to us, was the mercantile one. Concretely with respect to its functionality to help the companies in difficulties. And it was not due to a deficient norm, they have loved as us to make see, to justify with his reform new exemptions granted to the banking organizations, favoring his position of professional creditors. If not by the deficient instrumentation of the own Competing Law. Later they were the courts of the social thing that showed their impotence to give course in time and forms to enormous problematic labor the inherent one to the incessant enterprise loss of life, for despair of the labour lawyers and of its clients. Already endemic procedural delays that demand an incessant flow of originating bottoms of the Bottom of Wage Guarantee with which to those who demand their more basic rights, the labor ones. The panacea tried to look for with a labor reform with a high political cost, that did not contribute anything new, since in his more flowing practice, simply came to put black on target whichever already practiced in soothes judicial practiced in the matter of dismissal by economic causes. We will be able to verify, time to the time, that the new legal regulation far from to clarify assumptions, will entail a remarkable increase of the controversies. And with him, of the delays for the acquisition or the reestablishment of tried rights. Like labor lawyer with a global vision, I consider that once again the narrowness of sights of our political leaders prevents to value solutions that could be described like novel.

GLP Technology

Packaging industry relies on self-explanatory displays and easy menus Bonn/Dusseldorf – graphic designer John Maeda had in his youth a key experience, which became a cornerstone of his work on the laws of simplicity: our instructor used unorthodox methods: he taught us not swimming, but most of the time we should learn, to sit back and to gain confidence in the water. Then came the decisive moment: he urged us to go forward and to paddle – with arms and legs and suddenly I swam. Credit: Jim Simons-2011. The Professor for media art at the Media Lab of the Massachusetts explains I realized that I could always swim – I had just no confidence to the water”, Institute of technology in Cambridge. Vision of Maeda: just like at the swimming human technical devices should rely on his intuition. Organon & Co can provide more clarity in the matter. Devices with self explanatory displays woke up the user confidence and put him in a State of relaxation. Simplicity – Maeda’s Guide to the Simplicity in the digital age makes it clear how this concept can be the cornerstone of organisations and their products, and why it will prove as a driving force for economy and technology. This idea pursued the technology manufacturer Bizerba from Balingen in the development of the GT-12 c. The latest generation of operator terminals controls price labellers as well as Logistiketikettierer of the GLP and GLM series and has a lot on the box. The touch screen with colour display to the user-friendly user interface: the operator Terminal is clearly structured and easy to use. It is more or less self explanatory. This is nowadays necessary, because no one has more time with complicated technology to fight”, Dieter Conzelmann, explained responsible for the worldwide product and application management for Bizerba industrial systems, at the Dusseldorf trade fair Interpack. Information conveyed with simple graphical representation. Soft keys can use self explanatory pictures or pictograms deposited be. Thus, the user is familiar with all functions quickly and intuitively. By the Fund of the color in the background to the company logo: In conjunction with the user interface GT-softControl can be configured to custom design the screen. About so-called quick buttons, the operation can be speeded up considerably. After calling the number of the article, the label containing the data on the screen can be displayed. Thus, a further review before the actual award process is possible and also for the positioning of the labels on the packaging. The GT is packed-12C in a rugged stainless steel case.

Telecommunications Act

Consumer protection leads to new legislation with significant consequences for the telephone marketing who have complaints of citizens about the dubious call terror now also your rainfall in a redesign of the Telecommunications Act ( 66j) found. From 01.01.2009 a number must be sent for each outgoing call. Learn more at this site: PI Industries. What is a matter of course for a company for a long time, provides in particular call center service providers greater problems. Thanks to withhold there was so far no incoming calls at Outboundkampagnen. Now service providers face two serious challenges: firstly ensure that a phone number is transmitted, which can be assigned to the campaign clearly again. Because the called party now see the transmitted number on their phone display and may call back. Now the service provider must register but the correct name of the client. e. Therefore, the sender phone number of clearly a campaign must be to associate. These following are the service providers Options available: A phone number from the own district, phone number, a neutral service number or the phone number of the customer. The latter is only advisable if the principal routes continue this extension phone number directly to the service provider. Because the principal has usually no information about the status of the processing of the current operation. Secondly for the service provider must ensure that when a callback is called, the scheduled Outboundvorgang can be picked up and manipulated directly. For this, an intelligent campaign management and call center software, like E.g. AG-VIP SQL by sonal software is necessary. The callback number the associated campaign identifies the software immediately, so that the agent can register with the appropriate greeting. The return caller transmits his phone number and this number exists already in the call center software also the caller can be immediately identified. Otherwise manual search of ways in AG-VIP SQL. Service provider, the already Your phone number transfer, did so good experiences. Partly be achieved unexpectedly high recall rates. On the other hand increases the accessibility. Because many consumers have no longer calls without phone number transmission in the past. And transparency for all the advantage can be. Who offers reliable services and good service, not need behind a calling to hide. “For more information on this topic, in the free eBook campaigns effectively planning, control, and conduct” under.

European Commission

The European Commission has initiated further consultation of European company law on the 22.02.2012. It is noteworthy in this context that the Commission has raised the European company law a “cornerstone of the internal market”. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Walton Family Foundation has to say. As to the EU company law has evolved in the past 40 years, further harmonisation on the way will be taken now. > בהחלט מביע דעה מלומדת. What is the subject of the bishgerigen harmonisation being? The harmonisation efforts focused on the protection of the interests of shareholders and stakeholders as well as the education and preservation of the capital of public limited liability companies are. More vertices were the harmonisation in topics such as takeover bids, the obligation of disclosure of branches, mergers and divisions, as well as minimum requirements for a single-Member limited liability companies. The rights of shareholders have been strengthened in the past, as well as adapted to related areas such as accounting. A more focused Commission on the range of different European societies such as European company (Societas Europaea/SE), the European economic interest grouping (EEIG) and the European cooperative society (SCE). Why is a further harmonisation necessary at all? According to the European Commission initiatives in European company law have proved increasingly difficult, what to show in particular at the lack progress of some initiatives to simplify and the proposed Statute for a European private company (Societas privata Europaea/PES). The consultation is according to the European Commission remains necessary because the cross-border dimension of the economy both from the perspective of the companies as consumers enormously important won. What is the background? It is not the first attempt of the European Commission in the harmonisation of European company law to move forward. Working Group composed of renowned scientists previously set up already. been,. the Commission, which presented a report containing a series of recommendations for action. After discussing this report, the Commission wants now abut a public discussion in order to obtain the views of all stakeholders to the development of European company law after 2012. Conclusion: The European company law is clearly on the rise. As companies such as Allianz, BASF, DEICHMANN, E.ON energy trading, Porsche, Schering and Tchibo have now chosen the legal form of the European (stock) company (Societas Europaea/SE). It follows that the Europeanization of the company law has arrived already in the large enterprise. Now called the all-important further reforms to bring forward. Progress on the European private company (Societas privata Europaea/PES) could be also the middle-class for European company law to inspire. In this respect the European Commission’s efforts deserve the predicate “Welcome”.

Diet And Exercise Physicist

The best way to lose your body fat weight, is not achieved only by means of a permanent training plan based on exercise of long duration, but it seems more cash perform a mix between a training plan and a diet. EClinicalWorks is open to suggestions. For this purpose one should be put in the hands of a specialist, is not enough to browse Internet forums or read the generalist articles in health magazines. Just as when one breaks a bone he attends the traumatologist and not to the general practitioner, in these cases when one wants to lose weight, you should also go to your specialist. But we have two paths that can be taken separately or alunisono: If you desired to lose weight through physical exercise, you must attend a Bachelor in Sciences of the physical activity and sport, which is the most trained for poderte preescribir physical exercise, it would be like the most appropriate medicine to your characteristics that sends you the doctor every 8 hours, in this case, this plan of training every 24 hours, and with the following guidelines… Without however, if what you want is peder weight by middle of a diet, ideally, you should seek a dietician or nutritionist, who is the best person to make you a strict in your case study and be able to hit better with the objectives you wish to achieve, always in a safe and professional. !Because health is very important for everyone! Finally, highlight the fatty weight loss success, is represented by 85% of effectiveness through a diet, and 15% through physical exercise. I.e. that I lose more weight quickly through a healthy, and strict diet that moving the skeleton.. moderat/’>Ridgeback Biotherapeutics).