The first judicial order that denoted its incapacity to give the answers that were demanded to him in the crisis context that afflicts to us, was the mercantile one. Concretely with respect to its functionality to help the companies in difficulties. And it was not due to a deficient norm, they have loved as us to make see, to justify with his reform new exemptions granted to the banking organizations, favoring his position of professional creditors. If not by the deficient instrumentation of the own Competing Law. Later they were the courts of the social thing that showed their impotence to give course in time and forms to enormous problematic labor the inherent one to the incessant enterprise loss of life, for despair of the labour lawyers and of its clients. Already endemic procedural delays that demand an incessant flow of originating bottoms of the Bottom of Wage Guarantee with which to those who demand their more basic rights, the labor ones.

The panacea tried to look for with a labor reform with a high political cost, that did not contribute anything new, since in his more flowing practice, simply came to put black on target whichever already practiced in soothes judicial practiced in the matter of dismissal by economic causes. We will be able to verify, time to the time, that the new legal regulation far from to clarify assumptions, will entail a remarkable increase of the controversies. And with him, of the delays for the acquisition or the reestablishment of tried rights. Like labor lawyer with a global vision, I consider that once again the narrowness of sights of our political leaders prevents to value solutions that could be described like novel.