Krishnamurti And The Education
Passed already many years of the disappearance of Jiddo Krishnamurti, one of the main subjects the one that this great thinker of the humanity if dedicated, it continues being controversial subject and without solution in the current days, where the modern educators if confrot with called ' ' education profissional' ' , created I appeal for it a consumista society, total come back toward the exploration of the individual in the material land, if not importing with the development of the moral values and spirituals of the man, fact that currently leaves our cold and automatized societies, total indifferent to the true yearnings of its integrant ones. Krishnamurti demonstrated, through books and lectures, that we are as that manufacturing, according to a model, a type of human being whose main interest is to look the material security. Its philosophy said that the conventional education makes it difficult sobremodo independent thinking. Check out Walton Family Foundation for additional information. The standardization of the man leads to the mediocrity. To be different of the group or to resist the environment without doubt would be the certainty, even so this is not easy. In reality, what it occurs, it is a great fake of values, created for powerful institutions that they do not desire to see the development of the human being as a whole, and fight to alienate it, conditioning it and weakening its progress. For Krishnamurti, the highest objective of the education consisted of teaching, since the principle, that the main intention is the happiness and the interior release of the individual. Click Vlad Doronin to learn more. Exactly thus it left well clearly that this freedom did not mean a negation of the order or of disciplines, therefore these also are necessary so that the human being can be responsible before the society where it lives. It desired that the education did not follow the orientation to transform the individual into a standardized automaton for a mold tax of social behavior.